Friday, May 21, 2010


Kata Imam Ghazali RahimahulLah :

"Ilmu yang memberi manfaat itu ialah ilmu yang menambahkan perasaan takutmu kepada Allah Ta’ala; (ilmu) yang menambahkan celik mata hatimu terhadap keaiban-keaiban dirimu; (ilmu) yang menambahkan ibadahmu kepada Tuhanmu ‘Azza wa Jalla dengan sebab makrifatmu kepadaNya; (ilmu) yang mengurangkan gemar kasihmu kepada dunia; (ilmu) yang menambahkan gemar kasihmu kepada akhirat; (ilmu) yang membukakan pandangan mata hatimu terhadap kebinasaan-kebinasaan segala amalmu sehingga kamu dapat memeliharakan dirimu daripadanya; (ilmu) yang menampakkan kepada kamu segala perdayaan syaithan dan tipuannya". - [Bidayatul Hidayah]

God's Lover(Kekasih) is Our Lover(Kekasih)

His standing in the empty ocean. Life feels empty when further from the Messenger of Allah. No expression to glorify God, no strain verses from the holy Al-Quran Allah. Everyday she sat pensive not waiting for the arrival of the Prophet who came visit.

"'Umar Al-Khattab, what if He was captured and killed by the Quraysh?" He expressed concern for the safety of the Prophet in the course of migration. "Rest assured, the Prophet Muhammad, Allah always protected. For this reason he tells us to migrate. Maybe tomorrow or tomorrow he will come. "

The next day he told the arrival of the Prophet to Medina. Bilal jumped happy and announcing to the people of Medina. Dipagut face is always smiling. Not far with a smile.

"You look so happy, O Bilal," flat Uzer, Muhammad.

Bilal replied, "He will come to Medina. That makes me happy. I pray day and night to a safe journey. "

"I missed you in Allah's desire to beat a lover," Uzer flat again.

    "Those who turn Sunnah, he indeed loves me. If anyone loves me he would be with me in paradise."


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

The exam has just passed and I even got back some of the exam papers.. I wasnt too shocked to find out that all my results had gone down very badly because the exam was really challenging and require strong "manpower" to score  A+ for all the subjects.. I just hope that I can get straight A's for this mid-term examination.. Hope that can do better in the next exam until the optimum results in SPM..

Insya Allah

A Dream

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I always dream to fly high but once we fly, we will aways going towards the ground (down)

No one will always be on top because we are not perfect..

It is all the fate that has been set by Allah.. Never blame fate for what had happened.

Allah will not change the fate of a people until they change what is in themselves.
Surah Ar-Ra'd (verse 11)